Sunday, February 19, 2023

new moon 19th 20th 2023

new moon on the cusp between sunday and monday, new lunar cycle in Aquarius. Think outside the box, set new intentions, see what does arise, build momentum.

New moon conjunct Saturn transiting into Aquarius, next 2 years things innovative, visonary energies.

conjunction up to Saturn, semi sextiles up to Venus and pluto. integration with depth and personal empowerment and relationships. new beginning, lowest energy, reset. listen, be attuned. grounding and buiding it in Saturn influence.

  • pluto in Saggitarius.
  • mercury, sun in Capricorn
  • Neptune, Venus, Jupiter in Pisces
  • Uranus in Aries
  • Mars in Taurus

2am eastern time, monday. clear, rest, create space for new beginnigs. in a week, first quarter moon will be action-oriented. for the next 2 years

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