Friday, March 3, 2023

sidereal astrology explanations

 Mastering the Zodiac

Sign Meanings

Characteristics of Life

♈ Aries: Growing self-awareness and confidence through asserting your will into the world

Balanced: self-aware, assertive, initiating, daring, direct, active, and independent
Over-Emphasized: selfish-serving, aggressive, impatient, combative, overbearing, rash, reckless
Under-Emphasized: passive, passive-aggressive, fearful, victimized, apprehensive, self-denying
Resource: Video on Aries

♉ Taurus: Cultivating self-reliance and the enjoyment of your values through working with the natural world

Balanced: self-reliant, resourceful, grateful, sensual, luxurious, affluent, supportive, frugal
Over-Emphasized: materialistic, possessive, stubborn, self-indulgent, lazy, greedy, spend-thrift
Under-Emphasized: ascetic, abstinent, austere, miserly, stingy, stark, wasteful, anti-material
Resource: Video on Taurus

♊ Gemini: Learning about the rational aspects of life through communicating with and learning from others

Balanced: inquisitive, curious, sociable, communicative, practical, flexible, lighthearted
Over-Emphasized: nosy, impatient, nervous, flighty, high-strung, fickle, over-thinking or speaking
Under-Emphasized: deceptive, dishonest, anti-social, disinterested, indifferent, vague, withdrawn
Resource: Video on Gemini

♋ Cancer: Embracing your feelings and sentiments through caring for and nurturing others

Balanced: receptive, accepting, nurturing, caring, gentle, protective, reflective
Over-Emphasized: brooding, hypersensitive, overly concerned, smothering, stuck in the past
Under-Emphasized: withdrawn, defensive, disconnected, cold, detached, uncaring, reclusive
Resource: Video on Cancer

♌ Leo: Expressing yourself through creativity, playfulness, and sharing who you are with others

Balanced: self-expressive, creative, playful, self-assured, loving, generous, giving, passionate
Over-Emphasized: self-centered, arrogant, melodramatic, demanding, boastful, attention-seeking
Under-Emphasized: frigid, apprehensive, self-rejecting, withholding, lackadaisical, despondent, drab
Resource: Video on Leo

♍ Virgo: Developing your skills and abilities through improving yourself, your environment, and helping others improve

Balanced: bettering, improving, organizing, enhancing, growing, assisting, helping
Over-Emphasized: perfectionistic, controlling, nit picky, obsessive-compulsive, workaholic
Under-Emphasized: deteriorating, stagnating, disorganized, careless, depreciating, disdaining
Resource: Video on Virgo

♎ Libra: Keeping balance and mutuality through conscientious action in relationships

Balanced: conscientious, moral, cooperative, fair, just, agreeable, impartial, harmonious
Over-Emphasized: overly agreeable, dependent, giving power away, selfless, self-depreciating
Under-Emphasized: indecisive, passive, unconcerned, immoral, morally gray, uninvolved, straddling
Resource: Video on Libra

♏ Scorpio: Exposing the truth through deep involvements and penetrating the depths of life

Balanced: transparent, honest, vulnerable, penetrating, accepting, bonding, open, non-attached
Over-Emphasized: over-exposing, grim, gloomy, cruel, vindictive, hurtful, lustful, grotesque, disregarding
Under-Emphasized: secretive, suspicious, possessive, mistrusting, spiteful, power-seeking, overly-attached
Resource: Video on Scorpio

⛎ Ophiuchus: Healing yourself and others through redeeming the physical and instinctual natures

Balanced: regenerated, spirited, transmuted, revived, renewed, connected with life
Over-Emphasized: purely instinctual, mind-identified, destructive, sadistic, enslaving the material
Under-Emphasized: fearful, guilt-ridden, tempestuous, desirous, empty, wanting to be enslaved
Resource: Video on Ophiuchus

♐ Sagittarius: Exploring life and life's purpose through expanding your mind, body, and spirit

Balanced: adventurous, philosophical, open minded, optimistic, freedom-loving, purposeful
Over-Emphasized: self-righteous, preachy, dogmatic, condescending, excessive, impractical
Under-Emphasized: closed-minded, adrift, aimless, restraining, pessimistic, doubtful, inhibited
Resource: Video on Sagittarius

♑ Capricorn: Building a legacy through discipline, patience, and perseverance

Balanced: responsible, committed, hard-working, mature, determined, dedicated, persistent
Over-Emphasized: harsh, rigid, overcautious, restricted, inhibited, cold, detached, obsessed with success
Under-Emphasized: impatient, fainthearted, uncommitted, defeatist, negligent, immature, irresponsible
Resource: Video on Capricorn

♒ Aquarius: Changing the world through innovative ideas and inducing social change

Balanced: progressive, inventive, humanitarian, unconventional, eccentric, envisioning
Over-Emphasized: rebellious, radical, dictating, fanatical, extreme, chaotic, outlandish, deviant
Under-Emphasized: undisciplined, impractical, detached, impersonal, aloof, disorganized, anti-social
Resource: Video on Aquarius

♓ Pisces: Seeking and finding peace through connecting with the ebb and flow of life

Balanced: intuitive, present, tranquil, trusting, mindful, empathic, compassionate, connected
Over-Emphasized: unconscious, ungrounded, delusional, escapist, living in a fantasy, mindless
Under-Emphasized: lack of faith, hopeless, apathetic, callous, nihilistic, over-thinking, stressed
Resource: Video on Pisces

sign ruler list

♈ AriesMars ♂
♉ TaurusVenus ♀
♊ GeminiMercury ☿
♋ CancerMoon ☽
♌ LeoSun ☉
♍ VirgoMercury ☿
♎ LibraVenus ♀
♏ ScorpioMars ♂
⛎ OphiuchusMars ♂
♐ SagittariusJupiter ♃
♑ CapricornSaturn ♄
♒ AquariusSaturn ♄
♓ PiscesJupiter ♃
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Mastering the Zodiac

House Meanings

Areas of Life

1 st House: Matters relating to self-awareness and asserting your will into the world

Internal Areas: self-awareness, physical energy, independence, self-confidence, assertiveness
External Areas: self-image, appearance, aspirations, personality, physical body, new beginnings, the self
Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 7th house.
Resource: Video on the 1st House

2 nd House: Matters relating to self-reliance and working with the natural world

Internal Areas: self-reliance, resourcefulness, affluence, inner resources, talents, values, self-worth
External Areas: personal resources, finances, wealth, possessions, material values, sensual pleasures
Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 8th house.
Resource: Video on the 2nd House

3 rd House: Matters relating to the rational mind and communicating with and learning from others

Internal Areas: practicality, sociability, communication, flexibility, lightheartedness, left-brain intelligence
External Areas: thoughts, practical ideas, writing, correspondence, immediate environment, peers, siblings
Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 9th house.
Resource: Video on the 3rd House

4 th House: Matters relating to feelings and caring for and nurturing others

Internal Areas: receptiveness, affection, sentimentality, introversion, feelings, emotional security, the soul
External Areas: home, family, past, roots, emotional foundations, traditions, care, land, domestic life, privacy
Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 10th house.
Resource: Video on the 4th House

5 th House: Matters relating to self-expression, passion, and creativity

Internal Areas: self-expression, creativity, passion, playfulness, romantic love, pleasure, fun, excitement
External Areas: children, romance, creative projects, start-ups, arts, entertainment, recreation, speculation
Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 11th house.
Resource: Video on the 5th House

6 th House: Matters relating to the improvement of self, crafts, environment, or helping others improve

Internal Areas: self-improvement, refinement, growth, organization, service, helpfulness, charitableness
External Areas: routine, everyday work, health, diet, methods, habits, crafts, skills, work practices, assistance
Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 12th house.
Resource: Video on the 6th House

7 th House: Matters relating to justice, mutuality, and one-on-one relationships

Internal Areas: balance, harmony, fairness, conscientiousness, morality, impartiality, cooperativeness
External Areas: relationships, partnerships, marriage, agreements, legal matters, business dealings
Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 1st house.
Resource: Video on the 7th House

8 th House: Matters relating to transparency, healing, and the depth of life

Internal Areas: transparency, regeneration, non-attachment, communion, acceptance, deeper self
External Areas: deep connections, others resources, bonds, endings and beginnings, hidden things, healing
Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 2nd house.
Resource: Video on the 8th House

9 th House: Matters relating to the exploration of life and life's purpose

Internal Areas: adventurousness, open mindedness, optimism, purpose, freedom, expansion, spirit, wisdom
External Areas: philosophy, higher learning, teachings, gurus, travel, matters abroad, publishing, broadcasting
Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 3rd house.
Resource: Video on the 9th House

10th House: Matters relating to legacy, life's work, and public life

Internal Areas: commitment, determination, dedication, responsibility, mastery, maturity, discipline
External Areas: career, vocation, public image, recognition, achievements, legacy, authorities, experts
Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 4th house.
Resource: Video on the 10th House

11th House: Matters relating to groups, community, and causes

Internal Areas: contribution, ideals, visions, aspirations, group orientation, humanitarianism
External Areas: groups, friends, networks, community, causes, career values, philanthropy, organizations
Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 5th house.
Resource: Video on the 11th House

12th House: Matters relating to inner peace and connectedness

Internal Areas: intuition, presence, mindfulness, faith, empathy, compassion, connection with God
External Areas: meditative time, rest, dreams, isolation, spirituality, unresolved things, psychic abilities
Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 6th house.
Resource: Video on the 12th House


Planet Meanings Experiences of Life

☉ Sun: Emitting outer awareness; vital life-force energy Experiences: excitement, passion, interest, focus, creativity, expressiveness, outer awareness, will, vitality, involvement

Resource: Video on the Sun

☽ Moon: Receiving inner awareness; physiological receptivity Experiences: emotion, concern, security or insecurity, receptiveness, inner awareness, nurturance, caring, comfort

Resource: Video on the Moon

☿ Mercury: Synergizing and assimilating; interactive learning Experiences: curiosity, rationality, insight, thoughts, interactivity, practicality, giving and receiving information

Resource: Video on Mercury

♀ Venus: Connecting to who and what we value; material and interpersonal enjoyment. Experiences: desire, enjoyment, connectedness, attraction, affinity, pleasure, reciprocity, mutuality, luxury, lavishness

Resource: Video on Venus

♂ Mars: Pursuing self-preservation; self-determined action Experiences: drive, motivation, intent, removal of barriers, elimination, confidence, ambition, attainment, victory

Resource: Video on Mars

♃ Jupiter: Envisioning what's possible; expansive worldview Experiences: optimism, wisdom, expansion, happenstance, idealization, possibility, opening, adventure, opportunity

Resource: Video on Jupiter

♄ Saturn: Structuring our life; patient hard work and responsibility Experiences: discipline, consolidation, patience, hard work, responsibility, reality, maturity, seriousness, perseverance

Resource: Video on Saturn

♅ Uranus: Liberating from stasis; revolutionary change Experiences: freedom, liberation, sudden change, revolution, breaking free, enlightenment, inspiration, liberty, equality

Resource: Video on Uranus

♆ Neptune: Releasing the unknown; unconditional acceptance in life Experiences: uncertainty, releasing, spiritual growth, faith acceptance, compassion, dreams, visions, stillness, vastness

Resource: Video on Neptune

Pluto: Eliminating deep emotional attachments; transformation Experiences: intensity, endings, loss, transformation, clearing, removal, depth, unveiling truth, deep change, new beginnings

Resource: Video on Pluto

⚷ Chiron: Healing wounds; redemption and rejuvenation Experiences: inadequacy, wounding, sensitivity, weakness, pain, over and undercompensation, healing, rejuvenation

Resource: Video on Chiron

☊ North Node: Learning healthy personal development; growth Experiences: development, growth, novelty, thrill, eagerness, craving, intrigue, learning from scratch, newbie, progress

Resource: Video on North & South Node

☋ South Node: Letting go of unhealthy default patterns; loss Experiences: loss, lack, unfulfillment, yearning, familiarity, comfort, unconscious ability, past cycles, spiritual liberation

Resource: Video on North & South Node
1 st / ♈ : police officer, firefighter, emergency response, military, security, construction, leader, self-employment, athlete, sports, life coach, motivator, dangerous careers 
2 nd / ♉ : agriculture, landscaper, finance, grocer, beautician, hairstylist, designer, model, event planner, chef, florist, tailor, jeweler, dealer, collector, geologist, spa, massage 
3 rd / ♊ : mechanic, technician, engineer, phone operator, sales, marketing, writer, editor, information technology, driver, transporter, linguist, merchant, speaker, typist 
4 th / ♋ : caregiver, caretaker, healthcare, hospitality, restaurant services, catering, real estate, groundsman, overseer, housekeeper, mid-wife, nursery teacher, exhibitor 
5 th / ♌ : child care, entertainer, performer, producer, creative artist, creative designer, advertising, entrepreneur, speculation, stockbroker, politician, public speaker 
6 th / ♍ : accountant, analyst, assembler, quality controller, nurse, physician, therapist, small animals, nutritionist, maintenance, clerk, attendant, service work, crises, diseases 
7 th / ♎ : assistant, secretary, receptionist, attorney, mediator, judge, counselor, personal adviser, human relations, human rights, marriage services, businessman, diplomat 

8 th / ♏ & ⛎ : financial adviser, insurance, auditor, secret services, detective, dentist, surgeon, healer, metaphysics, researcher, psychologist, mortician, funeral director, taxes

9 th / ♐ : public relations, journalist, publisher, photographer, announcer, philosopher, professor, teacher, priest, missionary, travel, foreign relations, large animals, broadcasting 
10th / ♑ : architect, city planner, logistics, systems designer, builder, supervisor, company director, corporate manager, mining, masonry, woodworking, civic services 
11th / ♒ : inventor, scientist, physicist, astronomer, astrologer, pilot meteorologist, environmentalist, activist, reformer, humanitarian, tech, innovation, unorthodox careers 
12th / ♓ : psychiatrist, mental health, rehabilitation, pharmacist, musician, intuitive arts, clairvoyant, spiritual counselor, sailor, fisherman, oceanographer, diver, monk, nun

What does Mars represent?

Mars in Astrology is the masculine outward way of accomplishing the things we desire. This can be through self-attainment, self-interest, self-motivation, and self-willed energy. This is also shown in how we assert ourselves through our relationships.

There are a couple of things you will notice in the sky with Mars. One is that he has an independent orbit from our perspective on Earth. Mercury and Venus are the other two personal planets that always stay close to the Sun. Each time they get to a certain distance, they bounce around the Sun in the sky. But Mars is the only personal planet that has its own trajectory. He has his own orbit which symbolizes independence.

Mars in the chart shows where we have independence. It shows where we have that sense of self. That's where that self-determined, self-willed energy comes from. And you can see that in the Aries energy with Mars ruling Aries.

Mars Characteristics

The other side of Mars that doesn't get talked about a lot is the Scorpio side. Mars rules Scorpio and for good reason. This is seen by his color - red. When you look at the color red in nature, it is about danger. And so to achieve our desires, sometimes it means the difference between life and death. This is a very important part of life - self-preservation. This is where we get into the more instinctual energies of Mars. It is not only about what we desire for enjoyment as with Venus, but for survival. It touches the root and the instinctual level of us. It is about removing obstacles. This is where the Scorpio energy comes from. When we are able and willing to remove obstacles and fight for those things.

Birth Chart Example

Let's say someone has Mars in the 10th house. 10th house is about notoriety, career success, and legacy. The person with Mars here would achieve these things directly and competitively. That's the Mars energy. They're willing to get rid of obstacles, they're willing to assert themselves. With Mars in the 10th, they're willing to do what it takes for that big picture, public, or career success in life.

If the person had Mars in Libra, this person would do it with tact. They might do it through mutual respect and mutual understanding. They have that sense of justice and morality in those interrelationships. Mars here is about doing the right thing.


Mars is a very powerful and very important part of the personality. It shows where and how we are independent, assert ourselves, have confidence, and how we attain what we desire in life. Not just for enjoyment's sake, but what we need on an instinctual level for our survival.

5 th House: Matters relating to self-expression, passion, and creativity Internal Areas: self-expression, creativity, passion, playfulness, romantic love, pleasure, fun, excitement External Areas: children, romance, creative projects, start-ups, arts, entertainment, recreation, speculation Balanced by not going to any over or under extremes of the areas listed above. Also balanced by the 11th house. Resource: Video on the 5th House ♋ Cancer: Embracing your feelings and sentiments through caring for and nurturing others Balanced: receptive, accepting, nurturing, caring, gentle, protective, reflective Over-Emphasized: brooding, hypersensitive, overly concerned, smothering, stuck in the past Under-Emphasized: withdrawn, defensive, disconnected, cold, detached, uncaring, reclusive Resource: Video on Cancer

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